04 Mar 2024. A LOT OF UPDATES!

It’s been a while since we last updated our website. In short, here the major updates from the lab: (i) four grants awarded; (ii) two new people joined the lab; (iii) a new preprint and two new paper published. Click on the title of this post for more details.

Our lab got four grants during the past year. Antonino got two, one from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) to study the recruitment and assembly of the plan microbiome, and the other one from Progetto AGER to study the mechanisms behind the induction of the Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome. Leonardo also got funds from MUR to study the origin and solutions to the Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome. Saveria got funds from MUR as well to study the host-microbiome interactions in two new and important postharvest diseases of apples.

Also two new members joined the crew! Giusy Procopio will do a PhD, while Gabriele Pelle will work as research assistant for a short term.

Nesma’s first preprint was posted on biorXiv: Lettuce seedlings rapidly assemble their microbiome from the environment through deterministic processes.

And Antonino co-authored two papers: